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10 Beauty Tips For Men

Fresh skin that glows from the inside out is something that everyone wants, not just the ladies. To achieve this, there are a few tips to take note of:]

1. Exfoliate
Ever wondered how to fix those unruly bumps that appear after shaving? It's really an easy problem to avoid by exfoliating. Exfoliating once a week helps remove dead cells from your skin. That way, your hairs do not curl back into your skin and form those annoying ingrown hairs and razor burns. 
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2. Moisturise
Dry, flaky skin is both unattractive and itchy. Nobody wants that. An easy way to solve this problem is to use a moisturiser once or twice a day.
3. Take care of your skin
This doesn't just include exfoliating and moisturising every now and then. There are some other tips you should keep in mind. Keep your hands away from your face (this includes poking those pimples); your hands can easily carry dirt to your face which will clog your pores. Also, find a skincare routine and stick to it. Use sunscreen daily to protect your skin from sunburn and help prevent cancer and ageing.
4. Tweezers are your friend
Shaved eyebrows look weird when they grow out to form stubble. Pluck off offending hairs with a pair of tweezers. Try doing it right after a hot bath; the steam will open up your pores and make plucking easier. Thin eyebrows aren't for everyone, so pluck with caution.
5. Use good hair products
Take your time and find the products that are suitable for your hair type to keep it looking healthy, including shampoo, conditioner and hair creams or oils. This will help avoid or get rid of dandruff and soothe dry, flaky scalp. A little conditioner on your beard goes a long way into making sure that your facial hair doesn't hurt your significant other during a makeout session.

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6. DO NOT cheat on your barber
Find a good hair stylist or barber and stick with them. Ask for recommendations if you don't know any and make it clear what look you're going for when you get to the salon. The better they know you and your personal style, the better your haircuts will be.
7. Use lip balm
Soft lips are universally attractive. Some brands, however, put trace amounts of alcohol in their formulas to dry out your lips and get you to keep buying, so read the ingredients carefully before buying. Find lip balms with beeswax and Vitamin E to soothe chapped lips and keep them nourished and soft. A little bit of SPF is awesome too.
8. Deodorant is your friend
It may seem like common sense for one to use deodorant every day but you'd be surprised how many guys (and ladies) that don't do this often. Buy deodorant and make sure to apply or spray it on your armpits. You really don't want people tagging you as the smelly guy.
9. Live well
Eat healthily, drink a lot of water, exercise and mind your business. These are the best tips anyone can give you for clear skin. It makes a lot of difference to your overall health and general outlook when you follow them.
10. When in doubt, ask
If you are struggling to find the right products, do not hesitate to ask for help from those that work in the beauty industry who will happily share their manly expertise.

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